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People with diabetic foot frequently exhibit gait and balance dysfunction. Recent advances in wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs) enable to assess some of the gait and balance dysfunction associated with diabetic foot (i.e., digital biomarkers of gait and balance). However, there is no review to inform digital biomarkers of gait and balance dysfunction related to diabetic foot, measurable by wearable IMUs (e.g., what gait and balance parameters can wearable IMUs collect? Are the measurements repeatable?). Accordingly, we conducted a web-based, mini review using PubMed. Our search was limited to human subjects and English-written papers published in peer-reviewed journals. We identified 20 papers in this mini review. We found preliminary evidence of digital biomarkers of gait and balance dysfunction in people with diabetic foot, such as slow gait speed, large gait variability, unstable gait initiation, and large body sway. However, due to heterogeneities in included papers in terms of study design, movement tasks, and small sample size, more studies are recommended to confirm this preliminary evidence. Additionally, based on our mini review, we recommend establishing appropriate strategies to successfully incorporate wearable-based assessment into clinical practice for diabetic foot care.


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