Teaching and Learning Faculty Publications and Presentations

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This teacher training guide includes three major units that deal with the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish in the bilingual classroom. Each packet includes objectives, materials, and activities that help develop and promote students' receptive and productive skills. Other major topics covered include: the elements of language, including prosody, orthography, analogy, syntax, and semantics; aspects of oral language and activities for its development, including conversations, games, use of pictures and drawings, dramatization, and improvised dialogs; and methodology of reading, including syntactic methods, phonetic methods, onomatopeic methods, analytical and global methods, eclectic procedures and the experiential approach. Transparencies for each method are included. (TR)

Publication Title

El ensenar a escuchar, a hablar, a leer y a escribir. Cuadernos para el entrenamiento de maestros de educacion bilingue



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