Teaching and Learning Faculty Publications and Presentations
Becoming Teachers of Inner-city Students: Identifiction Creativity and Curriculum Wisdom of Committed White Male Teachers
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Broadly speaking, this reflection approaches the on-going concern of capacitating an overwhelmingly White teaching profession for effectively teaching inner-city students attending de facto segregated schools. Using professional identifications, this reflection presents narrativized understanding of respondents’ becoming committed teachers of inner-city students through identification creativity driven by alternative masculinity. Respondents’ professional identifications, articulating identification creativity, provide an understanding of curriculum wisdom for teaching in inner-city schools that includes race visibility, difference within difference, and relational-experiential pedagogy. Last, this reflection urges researchers toward a second wave of White teacher identity studies based on directions emerging in this research.
Recommended Citation
Jupp, J. C., & Slattery Jr, G. P. (2012). Becoming teachers of inner-city students: Identification creativity and curriculum wisdom of committed White male teachers. Urban Education, 47(1), 280-311. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085911427737
Publication Title
Urban Education
© SAGE Publications 2012.