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Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient of 1997. Cecilia Anzaldua is the former executive director of Advanced Academic Services, Dallas ISD, and the former director of Barney Brand Management Worldwide. Texas Southmost College Alumna ’69

"TSC was a wonderful experience for me. It was so helpful to stay at home and have an opportunity to work. It was the perfect place for me at the perfect time."

A Brownsville native who attended TSC beginning in 1969, Cecilia Anzaldua at the time of her nomination was the Director of Barney Brand Management Worldwide for Lyrick Studios, where she travels the globe on behalf of a big purple dinosaur beloved by pre-schoolers.

Anzaldua is responsible for nurturing and protecting the Barney character in all its merchandising forms -- from bath toys and cereal bowls to clothing and linens -- in 30 different countries.

Anzaldua was a former elementary school principal. She had the courage to walk away from a satisfying 17-year career in education. When she looks back, Anzaldua sees how her college days shaped the person she would become and the choices she made. First came TSC, which gave her the opportunity to pursue her college goals while still undecided about a career. She went on to win a scholarship to study bilingual education at Texas Women's University. After earning her bachelor's degree In elementary education, she attended Southern Methodist University, where she earned a master's degree in liberal arts and her certificate in school administration.


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