Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations

Where We Are

Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Date



“Where We Are” highlights where we are as a field on matters current and compelling. The call for this issue’s installment read as follows: We are seeking contributions for our Spring 47.1 (2019) issue that comment on mundane aspects of professional life in the six-word format made famous by Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Our belief is that ordinary, mundane experiences of everyday life in the academy, and in writing studies more specifically, can reveal organizational rules, values, norms, and expected and coerced forms of participation, and much more. We also think that your collective sentences will be fun to read. No content guidelines; we’re eager to see what you come up with! The entries are loosely organized around topic and rhythmic patterns. Authors are named in bulk at the end of the section in order to emphasize collective experiences across the field. –Editor’s Note


The Author retains ownership of all rights under copyright in the Work, and all rights not expressly granted in this agreement.

First Page


Last Page


Publication Title

Composition Studies
