Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Publication Date
Fall 2020
This article examines WPA positions that are non-tenured, part-time or otherwise under-supported. Drawing on previous discussions of this precariously-situated WPA position, the authors introduce the term “quasi-WPA” and explore how WPAs in this position face three critical issues in their position as administrator: (1) authority and power dynamics, (2) identity, and (3) resources. Due to the dynamics these WPA positions come with, the authors argue that these critical issues are magnified for quasi-WPAs. The authors investigate how the quasi-WPA position is made problematic by their positionality. They are holding a position of responsibility while also occupying a position of uncertainty. The quasi-WPA does everything a regular WPA does and deals with all the same issues that any other WPA must navigate, but he or she must do so through the complications contingent employment present.
Recommended Citation
Hollinger, A., & Borgman, J. (2020). (Dis)similarity and Identity: On Becoming Quasi-WPA. WPA: Writing Program Administration, 44(1), 129–147.
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Publication Title
WPA: Writing Program Administration
Copyright The Authors.