Writing and Language Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Publication Date
Fall 2023
This article is a work in defining fugitivity in writing program administration. We return to the intersecting phenomena of the pandemic, of climate change, of state-sanctioned violence, of gerrymandering, and of stolen rights. We recognize the complicity writing programs have with this status quo, and we hope that Fugitive Administrative Rhetorics is a helpful framework for developing WPA practices that diverge from this complicity. Our writing is intended to acknowledge a deep scholarly debt within rhetoric and composition to the first fugitives of the academic space, the multiply marginalized students and faculty that built the undercommons: Black, Indigenous, Latinx, queer, women, immigrant, neurodivergent.
Recommended Citation
Dibrell, D., Hollinger, A., and Shelledy, M. (2023). Fugitive administrative rhetorics. WPA: Writing Program Administration 47(1), 148-162.
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WPA: Writing Program Administration
Copyright The Authors.