Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Britt Haraway

Second Advisor

Dr. David Bowles

Third Advisor

Dr. Christopher Carmona


As a Chicano (Mexican-American), person of color with a lower-middle class, American, South Texas upbringing, the world of authors and literature has always felt out of reach and not particularly inviting towards people like me—let alone representative or celebratory. In spite of this, or perhaps owing to it, I have decided to shoot my literary shot, unremittently holding onto my unique voice and unconventional styles in this first collection of short stories. I discuss in depth my inspirations and role models in writing, including Henry Miller and Whitman, with discussion of literary style and genre that include: surrealism, absurdism, allegory, gothic, historical fiction, etc. For each short story, I give descriptions of creative decisions, literary elements, and other relevant discussion of thematic content. And in conclusion, I discuss the knowledge and understandings I have gained as a writer through research and praxis of the craft of writing.


Copyright 2022 Ricardo Marez Jr. All Rights Reserved.
