Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Experimental Psychology
First Advisor
Dr. Mario Gil
Second Advisor
Dr. Hugo Curiel
Third Advisor
Angela Mar
The Monodelphis domestica, commonly known as the grey short-tailed opossum, has become an increasingly frequented animal model for areas of psychological study, including comparative psychology. Despite the growing interest in utilizing the Monodelphis as an animal model, several areas of research remain limited in what has been studied. This includes associative learning and the effects of environmental enrichment on the Monodelphis. This study novelly incorporates the two using environmental enrichment with the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm to both diversify associative learning literature and expand existing knowledge on the Monodelphis domestica. The CPP paradigm included interactive objects as environmental enrichment to investigate biological sex differences in Monodelphis behavioral responses.
Recommended Citation
Renteria, Katelynn M., "Biological Sex Differences in the Monodelphis Domestica: Investigating Behavioral Responses in Environmental Enrichment and Conditioned Place Preference Paradigms" (2022). Theses and Dissertations. 1090.
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