Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
First Advisor
Dr. Timothy Wylie
Second Advisor
Dr. Robert Schweller
Third Advisor
Dr. Bin Fu
As it becomes increasingly harder to make transistors smaller, replacements for traditional silicon computers become sought after. To study the computing power of these potential computers, various theoretical models have been proposed, such as the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) and chemical reaction networks (CRNs). This thesis compiles research in various models such as the aTAM, Tile Automata, and CRNs. This work shows an investigation of covert computation in the aTAM and an evolutionary algorithm to approximate solutions to the pattern self-assembly tile set synthesis (PATS) problem. Next, optimal state complexity for building squares in Tile Automata is shown along with a Tile Automata simulation of the staged assembly model (SAM). Lastly, reachability for restricted general CRNs, reachability for feed-forward CRNs, and reachability for Void and Autogenesis CRNs are shown to be in various complexity classes.
Recommended Citation
Rodriguez, Andrew, "Problems in Algorithmic Self-assembly and a Genetic Approach to Patterns" (2023). Theses and Dissertations. 1250.
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