Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ocean, Coastal, and Earth Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Richard J. Kline

Second Advisor

Dr. Owen Temby

Third Advisor

Dr. MD Saydur Rahman


The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) artificial reef was built with the goal of providing habitat for reef fish at various life stages. This study used fish trapping to analyze red snapper and grey triggerfish size and abundance in the RGV reef. Mark-recapture of red snapper was utilized to determine growth, movement, and site fidelity within the reef. Nine configurations of patches consisting of varying combinations and densities of concrete pyramids and low-profile modules were surveyed, as well as additional sites of cinder block palettes and concrete railroad ties. Red snapper and triggerfish abundance per trap hour varied significantly by site type. Red snapper total length and triggerfish fork length were significantly smaller at low-profile cinder block platforms compared to mixed sites and pyramid sites. A recreational tagging study yielded a 9.7% return rate. Growth rates for recaptured red snapper within the RGV reef were 0.234 mm/day and 1.207 g/day.


Copyright 2023 Marybeth J. Weihbrecht. All Rights Reserved.
