Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Jungseok Ho

Second Advisor

Abdoul A. Oubeidillah

Third Advisor

Chu-Lin Cheng


Exponentially noticeable growth in population and land development in the Lower Rio Grande Valley has directly influenced growth in urbanization. Urbanization is the leading cause for lower pervious cover, and the increase in storm water runoff. The increase of storm water runoff leads to excess flooding areas and higher peak flows. The overflow flows freely and is exposed to contaminants, affecting the consumption and use factors. The changes of land use have a direct relationship with impervious cover limitations and individual site retentions. This study will assess the relationship between stormwater quantity and land use in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) focusing on 18 cities within the counties in this region. Land use has short-term drastic effects, leading to considerable impacts on environmental and hydrological processes. The relationship between land use and water quality is too vague to elaborate, so it will be out of scope in this study.


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