Theses and Dissertations

Amigos Imaginarios. A Noir Novel

Andrés Antonio Torres-Scott, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Copyright 2023 Andrés Antonio Torres-Scott. All Rights Reserved.


Amigos imaginarios is a blend of a Latin American Noir and a Nordic Noir novel, where horror moves away from the supernatural to give way to sublime and inevitable psychological and social terrors. Inspired by a real event in a Catholic boarding school in Chalco, México, in 2007, where 512 girls and an undefined number of nuns suffered from total paralysis of their legs. Amigos imaginarios’ protagonist is psychologist Leonella D’Alvarada, while she treats the case of Emily’s imaginary friend, Calib, the Catholic church requests her help to halt a psychogenic epidemic at a boarding house for low-income girls. The imaginary friend inside the boarding house is Abaddon, a biblical demon that rapes girls and possibly nuns during their dreams. The reaction of the Mother Superior was to exercise physical punishment on the sisters, but it was useless to stop the epidemic. As the story develops Leonella gets help from a stranger and plans to cancel her wedding.