Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Mohsen Amjadian

Second Advisor

Philip Park

Third Advisor

Constantine M. Tarawneh


The U.S. rail network is among the world's largest, safest, and most efficient. However, many its railway bridges, which play an essential role in its connectivity, are over 100 years old, showing signs of structural deterioration exceeding their practical service life. The increased weight and speed of modern trains also pose a risk to these bridges. Traditional load identification and monitoring technologies like Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems are rarely used on railway bridges due to their cost and practical limits. This thesis explores a cost-effective approach to utilize vibration sensors on railway bridges to identify and predict train load features (speed and axle load), using machine learning (ML). The study involves finite element modeling of railway bridges, followed by applying ML algorithms like LSTM and RNN to estimate axle loads and speeds from vibration data. The results shows the acceptable performance of developed time series ML models in predicting these parameters.


Copyright 2024 Md Masnun Rahman.
