Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Benjamin Peters

Second Advisor

Jianzhi Li

Third Advisor

Douglas Timmer


While prevalent in 3D printed objects, overhang features are difficult to print with selective laser melting due to the limitation of a purely vertical laser. To address this issue, overhang features are typically built on temporary supports, which are removed following printing. However, this results in wasted material and longer production time. Several authors have studied printing overhangs without support structures. However, there has not been a systematic approach to studying the effect of multiple process parameters on the quality of a printed overhang. This thesis investigates the effect of laser power, scanning speed, and hatch distance on the surface area of the initial layers of a horizontal overhang structure. By optimizing the surface area of the initial layers, we create a solid foundation upon which subsequent layers can be successfully built.


Copyright 2024 Prince Yaw Asamani.
