Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Earth, Environmental & Marine Sciences

First Advisor

Engil Pujol Pereira

Second Advisor

Alejandro Fierro-Cabo

Third Advisor

Teresa Feria Arroyo


Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle and aids in climate change mitigation. However, deforestation and intensive agricultural practices threaten topsoil and carbon (C) pools through soil disturbances releasing vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) by enhancing the decomposition of organic materials. Degraded soils typically lack stable aggregates, nutrient and water retention, and overall low fertility. In arid and semi-arid regions, soils are in an even more dire situation, as low precipitation and high temperatures slow down the accumulation of SOC. This thesis has two objectives: 1) to evaluate whether conservation tillage practices increase C accumulation in sandy soils of arid and semi-arid climates through a global meta-analysis approach and 2) to quantify C accumulation rates in reforested subtropical thorn woodlands through the use of three chronosequence sites spanning from 4 to 36 years. For objective 1, our results support the significant increase of SOC by 9% in sandy soils of arid and semi-arid climates in 10 years after converting to conservation tillage practices. For objective 2, reforestation of abandoned croplands resulted in a significant increase of SOC by approximately 20% in 10 years after reforestation, although rates vary based on previous land use. These results underscore the potential of targeted soil management practices to significantly enhance SOC storage, this providing crucial insights for soil conservation and restoration.


Copyright 2024 Samantha Lynn Colunga.

Included in

Soil Science Commons
