Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Rehabilitation Counseling

First Advisor

Roy Chen

Second Advisor

Bruce Reed

Third Advisor

Sandra Hansmann


Employment is crucial for individuals with disabilities, including those with visual impairments, as it facilitates financial independence, promotes social inclusion, enhances the quality of life, and enables the utilization of valuable job-related skills. However, some barriers obstruct opportunities for employment for individuals with visual impairments, which affect different areas of their lives. This dissertation investigated the employment barriers, supports, and outcomes for individuals with visual impairments in Bangladesh, with an aim to understanding the factors that impacted employment outcomes for individuals with visual impairment, including access to education and training, availability of employment supports and services, and attitudes towards individuals with visual impairment in the workplace.

In addition, the study examines the types of employment supports (e.g., vocational training, job placement assistance, and skill development programs) available to individuals with visual impairments and their effectiveness in facilitating employment. Using a survey design to collect data from a sample of 144 individuals with visual impairments who were either employed or seeking employment, the research included questions on demographics, education and training, employment history, employment support, and stigma experienced by individuals with visual impairments in the workplace. Data analysis was descriptive.


Copyright 2024 Md Mozadded Hossen.
