Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Curriculum & Instruction
First Advisor
James Jupp
Second Advisor
Ana Carolina Diaz Beltran
Third Advisor
Pauli Badenhorst
This research presents the testimonios of Mexicana youth. Through a qualitative research design, this centered on the central question: How does testimonio in the social studies classroom serve as a decolonizing practice and how does this impact Mexicana students? and secondary question: How do Mexicana make meaning and reclaim identity using lived experiences as brown bodied women? As an individualized approach to social studies education, the testimonios give voice to the life and schooling experiences of Mexicana youth in El Llano Grande de Aztlán. As methodology, testimonio bears witness to bring about new theorizing. With intention, the theoretical frame, a Chicana Feminist Epistemology (CFE) constructs testimonios to understand Mexicana lived experiences. Four emergent themes originated from the data that included: communality, language constructs overarching contradictions, a Mexicana Identity, and microaggressions (racism and sexism). The findings reveal Mexicana experiences with racist school policies, sexism, the overarching contradictions connected to language, structural inequality, and complex experiences with identity.
Recommended Citation
Caddel, Cecile M., "Democratizing Social Studies Education: Testimonios of Mexicana Youth in El Llano Grande de Aztlan" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 1562.
Copyright 2024 Cecile Michelle Caddel. https://proquest.com/docview/3098383161