"Feature Extraction From Vibration Signature Acquired From Railroad Bea" by Kevin Quaye

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Constantine Tarawneh

Second Advisor

Ping Xu

Third Advisor

Arturo Fuentes


The University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) has designed an onboard monitoring system that tracks vibration waveforms over time, to obtain a direct and more accurate indicator of bearing health. The data collected by these sensors is used for vibrational analyses of the bearings. The speed of the bearing is a fundamental parameter needed to carry out the analysis. GPS data can be used to determine bearing speed if available; however, due to size, cost and power constraints GPS is typically not available at the sensor location. This means that analysis must be delayed until the data is uploaded to a location where it can be matched with GPS data, unless the speed is determined immediately at the bearing. It is proposed to solve this problem with the introduction of Machine Learning (ML) algorithm that would extract features, such as the speed, from the vibration data that is already being acquired by the onboard sensing module. The PSD plots contain embedded signatures corresponding to the speed. Rapid extraction of this data would allow for real time analysis of bearing condition as the train is moving, which could be sent to a cloud accessible by train dispatchers and railcar owners for assessment of bearing health and scheduling of proactive maintenance before defects reach a critical size.


Copyright 2024 Kevin Quaye. https://proquest.com/docview/3115384932
