Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)
Mechanical Engineering
First Advisor
Erik Chumacero
Second Advisor
Horacio Vasquez
Third Advisor
Robert Freeman
In this thesis, the process to design a Stewart platform parallel robot for balance recovery with given assembly constraints and mobility requirements is described. A Model Based Design (MBD) approach in MATLAB was used as a tool to model and optimize the design of the platform through quick and repeatable workspace and movements simulations. An algorithm based on Inverse Kinematics was used to find the most adequate Stewart platform configuration which yields a workspace that fulfills the design goals best. Solidworks was used as a 3D CAD Modeling tool to elaborate machining blueprints while ensuring that each piece fits accurately in the finished model, preventing any undesired collisions during operation within the workspace. The proposed Stewart platform explores a novel application of a marker-based Motion Capture system for positional feedback. A MATLAB program processes the positional feedback and generates six control outputs u(t) which are interpreted by an ARDUINO microcontroller to control the motor drivers. We concluded that this sensor system approach is capable of providing the required output data in order to control the real-time position of the parallel robot, with an average sample time of 15ms due to the communication time between the motion capture system, MATLAB and ARDUINO.
Recommended Citation
Alvarez Zambrano, Rhobenn R., "Development of the Structure and Control System of a Stewart Platform Robot for Human Balance Recovery Interventions" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 1602.
Copyright 2024 Rhobenn R. Alvarez Zambrano. https://proquest.com/docview/3115368782