Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Dumitru Caruntu

Second Advisor

Horacio Vasquez

Third Advisor

Mircea Chipara


In this investigation the behavior of an electrostatically actuated non-uniform microelectromechanical (MEMS) cantilever resonator of constant width and linearly varying thickness is investigated. The cantilever resonator vibrates using soft AC voltage at near half the first natural frequency of the cantilever and near the first natural frequency of the cantilever, known as primary and parametric resonances, respectively. Bifurcation diagrams for the amplitude-frequency and amplitude-voltage response are obtained for both resonances. Two methods are used in this investigation, namely the Method of Multiple Scales (MMS) and Reduced Order Model (ROM) using up to 6 modes of vibration.

These methods are used to investigate the influence that the fringe correction factor, damping, voltage, and detuning parameter has on the amplitude-frequency responses and amplitude-voltage responses. The amplitude-frequency and amplitude-voltage responses of the non-uniform MEMS cantilever resonator is compared to the amplitude-frequency and amplitude-voltage response of an electrostatically actuated uniform MEMS cantilever resonator.


Copyright 2024 Rigoberto Flores.
