Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Manufacturing Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Noe Vargas Hernandez
Second Advisor
Dr. Alley Butler
Third Advisor
Dr. Miguel Gonzalez
The objective of this research and development work is to design a device to help senior adults prevent fall during night walks indoors. The problem of elders falling at a night setting was found to be caused by the multiple environmental and medical conditions. The target demographic was found to be seniors from age 65 and older. Several occupational therapists and two physical therapists were consulted to gain knowledge on elders' behavior, possible improvements on current existing devices, and feedback regarding the early prototype built. Several products and patents were researched with a lack of findings on similar products that perform the proposed functions. A walking aid device was successfully designed using a systematic design process. A bed anchor and locking mechanism were also designed for the walking aid device to be attachable to the bed. This gives the ability for the walking device to be always available when needed. A finite element analysis, failure modes effects analysis, working model simulations, and early prototype tests were made. The tests determined the possible failures, materials, stability, and demonstrated the interaction between user and device.
Recommended Citation
Gutierrez, Jorge L., "Design of a Bedside Walker-Cane Hybrid to Aid Senior Adults Avoid Falls during Night Walks" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 309.
Copyright 2019 Jorge L. Gutierrez. All Rights Reserved.