Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Laura Jewett

Second Advisor

Dr. Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto

Third Advisor

Dr. Kip Austin Hinton


This research is grounded in the truth of my own lived experience with border violence in La Frontera. Gloria Anzaldua (1987), describes the U.S. Mexico border (La Frontera) as an “open wound where the Third World grates against the First World and bleeds”(p. 3). Border violence in La Frontera is discussed in this research through four lenses which create a nexus of intertwined connections within curriculum and education. I use the lens of a grieving displaced daughter, a desperate mother trying to find support for her traumatized child in a failing educational system, a teacher who tries to honor her students’ lived experiences despite the null curriculum, and the researcher who explores in search of finding answers to this phenomenon. There is no easy way to write this. My lived experience with border violence in La Frontera is also the story of my father, of my mother, of my children, of my husband, of my family, of my students, and colleagues who unwillingly played a role in this border violence phenomenon. As I try to reconcile subjectivities of how to view this topic, I search for how to begin. I am able to situate myself in my different lenses which include that of a grieving daughter, a hopeful mother, a compassionate teacher, and a relentless researcher. This research started subconsciously with a tragedy, which would eventually turn into a quest of endless suffering, hope, and continuous research in our educational system.


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