Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Business Administration
First Advisor
Dr. James Boudreau
Second Advisor
Dr. Andre Mollick
Third Advisor
Dr. Marie Mora
Individuals make financial decisions daily, yet the literature on the mechanisms that drive financial decisions is limited. This dissertation looks to examine how physical characteristics, and personality subconsciously influence financial decision making by conducting an experiment. Furthermore, this dissertation examines biased decision making in the betting market by using data from covers.com. First, this dissertation finds that the cognitive impairments associated with having a higher body mass index is positively related to poor financial decision making and being more likely to commit the present bias, and distorting probabilities. Second, this dissertation finds that business students are more apt to fit the prototypical psychopath compared to non-business students. The higher scores of psychopathy in business students help explain why they are more likely to deceive others. Finally, this dissertation finds that bettors make biased decisions and are more likely to bet on the favorite team and the over. Furthermore, bettors are biased by betting against line movement and preferring teams with the hot hand. The results show that these biased decisions cause bettors to lose more money as the sportsbook takes advantage of the biased decisions.
Recommended Citation
Shank, Corey A., "Essays on Financial Decision Making" (2017). Theses and Dissertations. 379.
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