Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Dr. Zhijun Qiao
Second Advisor
Dr. Andras Balogh
Third Advisor
Dr. Anahit Galstyan
In this paper we outline a method for obtaining generalized peakon solutions for a cubic Camassa-Holm model originally introduced by Fokas (1995) and recently shown to have a Lax pair representation and bi-Hamiltonian structure by Qiao et al (2012). By considering an amended signum function—denoted sgn &thetas;(x)—where sgn(0) = &thetas; for a constant &thetas;, we explore new generalized peakon solutions for this model. In this context, all previous peakon solutions are of the case &thetas; = 0. Further, we aim to analyze the algebraic quadratic equation resulting from a substitution of the single-peakon ansatz equipped with our amended signum function in order to determine the effects of constants k1, k2, c, and &thetas; on the wave height. Moreover, we introduce a new measure R relating the scalars k1, k2 of the cubic and quadratic nonlinearity terms which we find has deterministic properties relating to the existence of real vs complex solutions.
Recommended Citation
Rippe, Michael, "Generalized &thetas;-Parameter Peakon Solutions for a Cubic Camassa-Holm Model" (2018). Theses and Dissertations. 581.
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