Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Bobbette M. Morgan

Second Advisor

Dr. Zhidong Zhang

Third Advisor

Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb


In this mixed design study, I explored the relationship between participation in short-term study abroad programs and global citizenship. , I and inquired on the meaning making process of Global Citizenship and study abroad in student leaders in a Hispanic-serving Institution located in the US-Mexico border. The theoretical framework is centered in the global citizenship dimensions - social responsibility, global competence and global civic engagement - developed by Morais and Ogden (2011). I collected 1713 (N=1713) responses and classified them in three groups: Study Abroad alumni (n1=98), International experience different than study abroad (n2=1160), and non-international experience (n3=455). Quantitative participants (n=4) were selected and interviewed through purposive sampling. Students with study abroad and international experience different than study abroad reported a statistically significant difference in social responsibility and global competence, and no statistically significant difference in global civic engagement. The qualitive findings reveal that students perceive global citizenship as an ongoing dynamic process that involves empathy, ethics, connection to the community and leadership.


Copyright 2020 Luis Fernando Alcocer Medina. All Rights Reserved.
