Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Dr. Amie Bostic

Second Advisor

Dr. Rosalynn Vega

Third Advisor

Dr. Katarzyna Sepielak


This research and analysis about the experiences of women in charrería show the pervasive negotiation of needs that they engage as practicing in an Escaramuza Charra. Inside this study, it is introduced the term Sisterhood Paradox, used to describe the struggle that represents the Escaramuza’s constant collective performance, in comparison to charros, but that paradoxically serves a tool of resistance of charra women inside this patriarchal institution. In this piece of work, it is also argued that women in charrería, in many cases, are not aware of the subordinate position they occupy and in an unconscious way function as agents that reinforce gender roles, idealized femininity, and even internalized misogyny in order to protect traditions. This study managed to prove that charrería institution functions as a microcosm of Mexico’s society at large where women learn and reproduce gender expectations in the “real world.”


Copyright 2020 Karen Melissa Flores Tavizón. All Rights Reserved.

Included in

Sociology Commons
