Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Christopher Carmona

Second Advisor

Dr. David Bowles

Third Advisor

Dr. Diana Dominguez


Juntas will follow the journey of Pilar Nieto and Vanessa Delgado, two young girls on the precipice of discovering themselves amid trying times in their lives. Pilar’s family is a traditional Mexican family with traditional values. Vanessa’s only family is her brother Frankie—who takes it upon himself to raise her with the same values he was brought up with before the sudden death of their parents. When Vanessa moves to Eagle Pass, she meets Pilar, and what starts out as a friendship slowly grows into something neither one of them could anticipate happening. Upon discovery of their relationship, they will encounter trials that will threaten their bond and force them to decide between adhering to familial Latinx standards or staying true to their individuality. Vanessa and Pilar, juntas, will unfold difficult truths that force them to choose between themselves or their families.


Copyright 2020 Karina Flores. All Rights Reserved.
