Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Affairs (MPA)


Public Administration

First Advisor

Dr. Aziza Zemrani

Second Advisor

Dr. George Atisa

Third Advisor

John. R Milford


The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between governance and sustainable development goals from an international comparative perspective. The research question of the study was: Does the performance level of governance affect the achievement of SD specifically in terms of reducing poverty, gender inequality, and human inequalities? This study has used the convenient sampling method to select 16 countries based on their income level and secondary data collected from the UNDP, World Bank for statistical analysis. We did the Hausman test to decide whether used fixed effects or random effects and found the Hausman test was significant P=.000. It suggested that the fixed effects model outcome was consistent and unbiased to inform the findings. Descriptive statistics have shown that both SD goals and governance metrics have improved in performance over time. On the other hand, regression outcomes showed that governance indicators positively affect poverty, gender inequality, and human inequalities but sometimes it might be different.


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