Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Emmy Pérez

Second Advisor

Dr. José A. Rodríguez

Third Advisor

Dr. Cathryn J. Merla-Watson


Willing Beasts is a poetry collection that consists of the title poem then is divided into three sections which are named Willing Beasts of Rebellion, Willing Beasts of Desire and Willing Beasts of Groove. The first section titled Willing Beasts of Rebellion consists of poems which are of a rebellious and protest in nature. The second section titled Willing Beasts of Desire consists of poems that more personal in nature and reveal more about my life. The third section titled Willing Beasts of Groove consists of poems which are inspired by the songwriters that have influenced me as well as poems which are accompanied by guitar tablature which demonstrate the power that poetry has with music or just as much independently of being accompanied by music.


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