Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Dr. Christopher Carmona

Second Advisor

Dr. Britt Haraway

Third Advisor

Dr. Jose Rodriguez


Birdcage is a coming of age story. It is, ultimately, a story about a young woman dealing with issues that she is now barely confronting, and with the help of positive outside influences, comes to accept herself and continues her path with a new perspective. There are prevalent themes such as mental illness, sexual and romantic identity, and the confrontation of toxic parental roles and how it can affect a child as they grow up. The purpose of this Critical Introduction of Birdcage is to explain my goals and purpose with this story, as well as to explain certain themes and what certain items are supposed to represent within the story. This is my contribution to the growing rise of mental health awareness and LGBTQ+ awareness within popular media.


Copyright 2020 Mirella Martinez. All Rights Reserved.
