Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Guadalupe Cortina

Second Advisor

Dr. Elena Vega-Sampayo

Third Advisor

Dr. Elvia Ardalani


Analizaremos las características fractales de esta metanovela. Es preciso definir los conceptos sobre la metanovela, la novela fractal y cada uno de sus reflejos. La metanovela se logra por medio de un equilibrio en la habilidad de narrar y un dominio erudito de la Historia, el arte y la literatura: he ahí la utilidad de la novela fractal y cómo ésta permite una conversación con ese otro fractal que es la realidad.

Alternate abstract:

We will analyze the fractal characteristics of this metanovel. It is necessary to define the concepts about the metanovel, the fractal novel and each of its reflections. In the metanovel, the author manages to save by means of a balance between the ability to narrate and a scholarly domain of history, art and literature: that is the usefulness of the fractal novel and how it allows a conversation with that other fractal that is reality.


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