Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Emmy Pérez

Second Advisor

Dr. Jose A. Rodriguez

Third Advisor

Dr. Jean Braithwaite


The Wind Still Blows: Poems is a collection of autobiographical poems and lyric essays that explore my journey with faith. This collection reveals the life of a young woman learning to meld Chicana feminist ideas and Christian belief. With regards to this introduction, the first-person “I” will be used to denote specific craft choices and critical frameworks that I, the writer, used within the collection, and third-person references to “the speaker” refer to the constructed narrator described in the poems. In this collection, the speaker offers up a history with anxiety disorders, fraught relationships with male figures, developing into an educator with socially just ideals, and the tensions between her Catholic past and Protestant present. The speaker shows an effort and desire to reach a consolidated identity as a Christian woman exploring an emerging Chicana feminist consciousness. While the story of God’s hand in my life will be apparent in the poems, this introduction will testify, in part, to my journey with words: my Chicana literary and Christian educations and how the philosophies of each have influenced this collection. This introduction also addresses the ongoing questions I hold regarding how to reconcile still-developing ideas about the gender of God, Chicana feminism, and the decolonialization of the Church and offers potential features of long-term revision.


Copyright 2020 Sarah Alicia Solís. All Rights Reserved.
