Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Civil Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Philip Park
Second Advisor
Dr. Robert Jones
Third Advisor
Dr. Yooseob Song
A meta-analysis is conducted for the mechanical properties of an Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC). ECC is a special type of fiber reinforced cementitious composites that is characterized by high ductility (3-5% strain) with 1.5-2% fiber content by volume. The brittle nature and weak tensile strength of concrete cause various damages such as cracking. ECC has superior cracking resistance considered as a sustainable alternative for construction and repair. Meta-analysis is a statistical method to remove a possible bias of a single set of data. A meta-analysis collects and analyzes a large group of data obtained from multiple investigations of the same subject, and eventually can draw highly reliable trends and conclusions. The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between the mixture design and mechanical behavior of ECC through meta-analysis. In this study, more than 500 stress-strain curves of ECC were collected from 180 technical papers. The meta-analysis revealed that a peak improvement in the tensile strength can be attained at 40% fly ash content binder. The most widely used fly ash content is 55%, and the strength of ECC with 55% fly ash is very close to the ideal mix (40% fly ash). Another observation from the meta-analysis is that the ECC data produced by various investigators show wide scattering even for the same mixture designs. The wide scattering indicates that a special care is needed for the quality control of ECC. The results from this study will accelerate practical applications of ECC technology.
Recommended Citation
Vallangca, Marie Angelica Ventura, "A Meta-Analysis on the Constitutive Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composite" (2021). Theses and Dissertations. 787.
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