Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Experimental Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Jason Popan

Second Advisor

Dr. Amy A. Weimer

Third Advisor

Dr. Ralph Carlson


Previous research has yielded mixed findings about relations among sociodemographic variables and Theory of Mind (ToM) performance. The current literature lacks robust studies that utilize multiple types of ToM assessments. Additionally, most ToM research has assessed samples of young, white children and adolescents. The present study addresses these limitations by examining the association between sociodemographic variables and ToM performance among Hispanic emerging adults, utilizing three ToM measures across two sites. Participants included 867 college students from two Hispanic serving institutions who completed questionnaires including an embedded false belief task, Strange Stories, and the Constructivist Theory of Mind (cToM) task. All three ToM tasks were positively correlated with one another. The Strange Stories, and embedded false belief task were each negatively correlated with income and embedded false belief scores were positively correlated with number of older siblings. The cToM task was positively correlated with gender. Gender and site differences in ToM performance were found. Implications are discussed.


Copyright 2021 Mauricio Alejandro Yanez. All Rights Reserved.

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