Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Rehabilitation Counseling

First Advisor

Dr. Irmo Marini

Second Advisor

Dr. Veronica Umeasiegbu

Third Advisor

Dr. Jesus Tanguma


People with disabilities are the largest minority group in the world representing 26% of the world’s population. More specifically, in the U.S. 61 million Americans have a diagnosed disability. However, intersectionality studies have not been inclusive of this particular population and disability studies have yet to extensively examine intersectionality in PWDs. Centering individuals with disabilities who also identify with multiple marginalized social identities , such as being a woman, a person of color or a member of the LGBT community is important since these individuals’ experiences are not uniform in nature. PWDs experience higher rates of discrimination, unemployment, and underemployment especially when compared to people without disabilities. The combined consequences of membership in multiple marginalized groups can lead to psychological distress, lower self-esteem and lower self-confidence. Due to the disproportionality of PWDs in the labor market it is essential for rehabilitation counselors to understand the complexities of intersectionality including internal and external barriers that influence employment outcomes. The primary focus of this study is to examine how membership in multiple minority groups influence self-perceived employability specifically in people with disabilities.


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