Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Raheem

Second Advisor

Dr. Jongmin Kim

Third Advisor

Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud


Consumer interest in incorporating sustainability and efficient appliances into daily life has been growing in the past several years. While reducing their environmental impact may be a draw to some, by making the switch to water- and energy-efficient appliances many homeowners are enticed by the promise of long-term savings on utility bills. Programs such as WaterSense and Energy Star not only offer certified efficient appliances and fixtures, but they may also certify water- and energy-efficient homes. Additionally, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) offers the LEED program (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) which certifies homes in a similar manner.

This research aims to evaluate the financial feasibility of following the recommendations of these different green building certifications (LEED v4 for Homes, Energy Star, and WaterSense). To accomplish this task, a life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) will be conducted to determine the feasibility of each of these systems. Using different types of analyses that utilize the costs of purchasing, installation, operation, replacement, and monthly utilities, both traditional (non-efficient) and efficient appliances are compared via an LCCA. The LCCA will be applied to the five most populous cities in the U.S. to draw final conclusions about the feasibility of each of these three guidelines by comparing the net-savings, conducting a cost-benefit ratio, and the payback period. This study should prove useful to a wide range of stakeholders including but not limited to homeowners, decision makers, construction practitioners, and business investors.


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