La Guerra de Texas y La Guerra Mexico - Estados Unidos





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Diplomatic History | History | Latin American History | Military History | Political History | United States History


Recognition of the independence of Texas. Reports, incidents and accounts on the government of the United States of America. Don Juan de la Granja suggests policies and measures that would defeat the American invaders. p. 1-2

Map of the State of Sonora around the time of the U.S. invasion. p. 3-82

Orders to the government of the State of Mexico for its defense, a request for 3,000 men in Texcoco. p. 83-84.

C. Olaguibel, Governor of the State of Mexico, nullifies the commission that was given to Colonel José de la Piedra to recruit people, because the provisions of this order have been rendered ineffective. p. 85-88

Defensive plan presented by Isidro Reyes, to prevent the American invaders from taking over Durango and Zacatecas and proceeding further inland. p. 89-94

The government of San Luis Potosi requests arms and ammunition for the forces organized to defend the State and that permanent forces not withdraw. The government is ordered to reinforce the Northern Army National Guard of the State. p. 95-106

Circular and decree that prevents the federal government from applying some of the revenues of the States based upon a quota of blood, in regards to the U.S. invasion. p. 107-177.

The District government requests instructions to be followed by the municipality of the capital before the advance of the invading forces. p. 178.

The Minister of War reports that the city has declared a state of siege, and the appointment of General Nicolas Bravo as Army Commander in Chief of both the District and the State of Mexico. ff 179-181.

The Minister of War announced the names of individuals who have been given permission to organize guerrillas against the invaders. p. 182-187

For the recognition of the independence of Texas. Reports, incidents and several accounts on the government of the United States of America. p. 188-273.

Order to the government in Puebla to provide resources to the Commanding General of the Mexican Army and make them available to the State National Guard. p. 274-287.

The ammunitions contractor Zamudio Faustino request transportation resources to ship supplies to Mexican forces fighting against the U.S. forces and criticizes the mayor of Tlaxcala. p. 288-293.

General Ignacio Basadre receives instructions from the government to address the Governors of Querétaro, Guanajuato, and Jalisco and organize resources for the defense of the capital. p. 294-309.

The Archbishop of Mexico, sends two printed copies of the Pastoral addressed to his parishioners on the event of war with the Americans. p. 310-311.

The government of the state of Tamaulipas reports on the current condition of the state. p. 312-317

The federal government orders the governors of the states to enlist troops and reconcentrate them in the capital of the Republic. p. 318-352.

The Minister of War, reports that Antonio del Castillo professor of Mineralogy in the mining school, offers his services to the army to fight against the Americans. p. 353-358.

The Mexican Embassy in France, reports on the decision of the U.S. Cabinet to open Mexican ports to traffic from neutral nations under the new tariff laws. p. 359-381.

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.PDF, 542 Pages, 180 MB

Archivo Historico De La Secretaria De Relaciones Exteriores L_E_1089



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