Personal Papers & Official Records
UTRGV Special Collections acquires, preserves, and makes accessible personal correspondence, congressional and legislative papers, and organizational records documenting the history and development of the borderlands of deep South Texas.
The materials within these collections serve as primary source (first-hand) documents and accounts of important periods in lower Rio Grande Valley history, culture, and heritage. Collection strengths include county records, politics, regional history, economic development, agriculture, and military history.
Browse the Personal Papers & Official Records Collections:
Acca L. Colby Purdy Correspondence (Brownsville, Matamoros)
Casa Mata Museum and Archives Collection (Matamoros)
Fort Brown Mexican Border War Records, 1916
Fort Brown Quartermaster's Ledger
Henry K. Beard Pipe Organ Plans
Hidalgo County Historical Collection
Hidalgo County Official Records
- Hidalgo County Marks and Brands - Book A
- Hidalgo County Marks and Brands - Book B
- Hidalgo County Marks and Brands - Book C
Kika de la Garza Congressional Papers
- Kika de la Garza Congressional Papers - Agriculture Committee News Releases
- Kika de la Garza Congressional Papers - General News Releases
- Kika de la Garza Congressional Papers - Newsletters
- Kika de la Garza Congressional Papers - Photographs
La Guerra de Texas y La Guerra Mexico - Estados Unidos
Lucy Tijerina Family Collection
- Lucy Tijerina Family Collection - Documents
- Lucy Tijerina Family Collection - Invitations
- Lucy Tijerina Family Collection - Photographs
- Camargo, Tamaulipas, Mexico Baptismal Church Register
- Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico Marriage Church Register
Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Collection