Hidalgo County Marks and Brands - Book C
This collection contains the first three surviving Hidalgo County, Texas marks and brands books. Information contained in the first two volumes is also found in the third volume. It is probable that the first brand book for Hidalgo County does not exist because there is a gap from the founding of Hidalgo County in 1852 until 1866. Also, no retrospective registrations appear to be included prior to 1866.
The index for the Hidalgo County Marks and Brands Volumes A – C is available via https://archives.lib.utrgv.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/43885. Users can search the index for a specific name in ArchivesSpace, then go to the volume and page number listed. For example, “Acosta, Julian; Vol: C: 5, 1914” indicates the 1914 record for Julian Acosta would appear in volume C, page 5.
Surnames such as de la Garza, de la Pena, de la Vina, etc. are alphabetized under Garza, Pena, Vina, etc. For example, Garza, Juan Jose de la. Only the surname de Leon is uniformly listed as de Leon.