Spring Workshop March 2021
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TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills):
TEKS 18.BC(18) Culture. The student understands the concept of diversity within unity in Texas. The student is expected to: (B) describe how people from various racial, ethnic, and religious groups attempt to maintain their cultural heritage while adapting to the larger Texas culture; (C) identify examples of Spanish influence and the influence of other cultures on Texas such as place names, vocabulary, religion, architecture, food , 20 AF20) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired through established research methodologies from a variety of valid sources, including technology. The student is expected to: (A) differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information about Texas;((F) evaluate the validity of a source based on corroboration with other sources and information about the author.
Lesson objective(s):
1.TLW will identify early settlers of the Rio Grande Valley. 2.TLW analyze how Natives adapted to surrounding area for example, geography and climate. 3.TLW acquire information from primary source.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: Use of cognates, such as mulatos, criollos.
.PDF, 2 Pages
Recommended Citation
Garza, Sylvia V., "Lesson Plan, Texas History" (2021). Spring Workshop March 2021. 6.