Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Dr. Hubert J. Miller
Second Advisor
Dr. James Irby
Third Advisor
Dr. Porter A. Stratton
Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara: The Forgotten Hero presents a picture of the most salient points of the life and activities of this Mexican patriot. In writing about this personage, the author proposes to reintroduce into history a man that has been forgotten by many historians. Gutierrez de Lara's accomplishments were extraordinary for the time in which he lived. Among these were a trip to Washington, made to secure aid for the Mexican independence, the capture of Bexar, the capital of Texas, and the establishment of a provisional government there. By undertaking these endeavors he achieved many firsts in the history of New Spain. He gave Texas its first declaration of independence and its first constitution. He also established a provisional government in Bexar and became the first Governor of Mexican Texas. Because of all his accomplishments, it is of utmost importance to give due recognition to this forgotten hero.
Granting Institution
Pan American University
Copyright 1975 Roberto N. Contreras. All Rights Reserved.