Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Rehabilitation Counseling

First Advisor

Dr. Irmo Marini

Second Advisor

Dr. Roy E. Cain

Third Advisor

Dr. Bruce Reed


The current study was intended to deliver life care planners with a guide as to whether or not secondary complications (SCs) should be included within the LCP, while obtaining the professional opinion of physiatrists as to the incidence rate of SCs. Each research question was designed to determine whether differences exist between life care planners (LCPs) and physiatrists in their knowledge regarding SCs while comparing their responses with empirical research. In addition, it was determined to investigate whether costs should be included in a LCP based on the reports given from certified and non-certified LCPs; even though it meets the possibility (less than 50%) threshold rather than the probable (51% or greater) threshold. Lastly, this researcher wanted to examine the ethical considerations of LCPs as to whether they ever felt pressure to include costs in an effort to secure future employment by attorneys.


Copyright 2015 Noel A. Ysasi Jr. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
