Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Electrical Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Wenjie Dong
Second Advisor
Dr. Isaac Choutapalli
Third Advisor
Dr. Xiang Lian
In this thesis, distributed coordinate tracking control of multiple wheeled-mobile robots is studied. Control algorithms are proposed for both kinematic and dynamic models. All vehicle agents share the same mechanical structure. The communication topology is leader-follower topology and the reference signal is generated by the virtual leader. We will introduce two common kinematic models of WMR and control algorithms are proposed for both kinematic models with the aid of graph theory. Since it is more realistic that the control inputs are torques so dynamic extension is studied following by the kinematics. Torque controllers are designed with the aid of backstepping method so that the velocities of the mobile robots converge to the desired velocities. Because of the fact that in practice, the inertial parameter of WMR maybe not exactly known or even unknown, so both dynamics with and without inertial uncertainties are considered in this thesis.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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