Mexican American Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
Submissions from 2022
“We Are Our Only Way Forward”: Dialogic Re-imaginings and the Cultivation of Homeplace for Girls, Women, and Femmes of Color, Grace D. Player, Mónica González Ybarra, Carol Brochin, Ruth Nicole Brown, Tamara T. Butler, Claudia Cervantes-Soon, Victoria S. Gill, Valerie Kinloch, Detra Price-Dennis, Cinthya M. Saavedra, and Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz
Voces de mujeres: Migration, Family, & Identity through the Voices of Mexican Women, Erika Rendon-Ramos
Submissions from 2021
Cosecha Voices: Migrant Farmworker Students, Pedagogy, Voice, and Self-Determination, Stephanie Alvarez, Jose L. Martinez, Annabel Salamanca, Erika Salamanca, and Roberto C. Reyna
Historias Americanas: Implementing Mexican American Studies in K-12 Social Studies Curriculum in the Rio Grande Valley, Maritza De La Trinidad, Stephanie Alvarez, J. Joy Esquierdo, and Francisco Guajardo
Enlaces in Reflections and (Re)memberings as Latina Border- Crossers: Journeys of Childhood and Professional Un/ Welcomings, Ana Carolina Díaz Beltrán, Paty Abril-Gonzalez, Cinthya Saavedra, and Michelle Salazar Perez
Texas Resistance: Mexican American Studies and the Fight Against Whiteness and White Supremacy in K-12 at the Turn of the 21st Century, Josué Puente and Stephanie Alvarez
Haciendo Fila: Crossing Borders and Negotiating Entrance in the U.S. – Mexico Borderlands, Erika Rendon-Ramos
Submissions from 2020
Nuestra Gloria The Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Publication of Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Stephanie Alvarez, Amanda Lee Tovar, and Mariana Alessandri
A Chicano’s Poetic Exploration: Usando mi autohistoria-teoría para ver los lobos, correr con los coyotes, y vivir como el zorro, Ernesto F. Ramirez
Literacy as Geographies of Transnationalism and Mobility: Diasporic Experiences, Identities, and Knowledge Production, Cinthya M. Saavedra
Land of the Free, Arnulfo Daniel Segovia
They Called Us Rebels: The 1968 Edcouch-Elsa Walkout, Dan Segovia, Frank Segovia, Stephanie Alvarez, Samantha Herrera, Eduardo Martinez, and Francisco Guajardo
Life Within and Beyond: The Legacy of Borderlands, Amanda Lee Tovar
Submissions from 2018
“To Secure These Rights”: The Campaign to End School Segregation and Promote Civil Rights in Arizona in the 1950s, Maritza De La Trinidad
Submissions from 2017
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley: Reframing HSIs through a Multi-Sited Ethnography, Maritza De La Trinidad, Francisco Guajardo, Peter L. Kranz, and Miguel Guajardo
Chicana/Latina Feminist Critical Qualitative Inquiry Meditations on Global Solidarity, Spirituality, and the Land, Cinthya M. Saavedra and Michelle Salazar Perez
Rethinking global north onto-epistemologies in childhood studies, Michelle Salazar Perez, Cinthya M. Saavedra, and Janette Habashi
Submissions from 2015
Book Review: San Miguel, Chicana/o Struggles for Education: Activism in the Community, Maritza De La Trinidad
Mexican Americans and the push for culturally relevant education: the bilingual education movement in Tucson, 1958–1969, Maritza De La Trinidad
Submissions from 2014
Braceros, Mexicans, Americans, and Schools: (Re) imagining Teaching and Learning in Mexican America, Francisco Guajardo, Stephanie Alvarez, Miguel Guajardo, Samuel García Jr., José Ángel Guajardo, and Jocabed Márquez
Crossing Borders toward Young Transnational Lives, G. Sue Kasun and Cinthya M. Saavedra
Combining Qualitative Research Perspectives and Methods for Critical Social Purposes The Neoliberal U.S. Childhood Public Policy Behemoth, Michelle Salazar Perez, Gaile S. Cannella, and Cinthya M. Saavedra
Submissions from 2013
Subversive English in "Raining Backwards": A Different Kind of Spanglish, Stephanie Alvarez
Submissions from 2011
Language and Literacy in the Borderlands: Acting upon the World through Testimonios, Cinthya M. Saavedra
Submissions from 2010
Crossing y tejiendo borders: conversación multilingüe con Tato Laviera, Stephanie Alvarez, William Luis, and Edna Ochoa
Submissions from 2002
(His)torical (Re)presentations of the Child, Cinthya M. Saavedra and Ellen Demas