Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Collection

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Bench detail

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Bench detail


David N. Currey


Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Bench Detail Revision A 07-09-15


Download Brownsville MP Depot Series 4 Bench Detail Revision A 07-09-15.bmp (2.6 MB)

Creation Date



Computer drawing. The scale is 48 pixels to the foot, whereas most of the other drawings are 24 pixels to the foot. When measuring on a printout, measure from the center of one 3-pixel width line to the center of another such line. When using the selection tool in Microsoft Paint to measure with, start on the center of a line, and drag the sliding rectangle until it is on the pixel one short of, not on, the center of the second line.

© 2015 David N. Currey

Physical Description

.BMP, 2.60 MB

Missouri Pacific Brownsville Depot Plans - Bench detail


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