Organization and School Leadership Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Third grade taks reading performance differences, textbook adoptions and Texas reading first initiative participating and non-participating campuses, Erica Briana Guerra
Life Stories of Four Conjunto Musicians: Adding to the Culturally Relevant Curriculum of the Rio Grande Valley Schools, Andres Martinez
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
An investigation of high school dual enrollment participation and allied health program enrollment in a South Texas University, Martina Flores
Social networks and beliefs of Mexican-American parents as predictors of parent involvement, Maria Filomena Leo
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The development of the elementary principal as a technology leader, Alejandro Garcia
Memorization techniques: Using mnemonics to learn fifth grade science terms, Juan O. Garcia
Similar Districts with Different Results: Using The Baldrige Scale To Understand Outcome Differences in Rural School Districts in The Lower Rio Grande Valley, Miguel Angel Gonzalez
The Impact of Focused Tutoring and Science Lab Instruction Strategies for An Elementary School in South Texas, Annabelle Paloma
An Exploratory Investigation of The Implementation of Quality Staff Development and Campus Success, Cindy Hays Sadler
Teacher Leadership Practices in Large Texas High Schools with Different Accountability Ratings: A Mixed Methods Study, Cynthia Molina Saldivar
Students with learning disabilities in postsecondary education: Differences among students with varying levels of self-advocacy skills and academic achievement, Diana Villanueva
Teacher perspectives on the current state of computer technology integration into the public school classroom, Ramiro Zungia
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Another shade of brown: A historical study of “Brown v. Board of Education” and its impact on the education of Mexican Americans in Edinburg, Texas in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Beverly F. Ashley-Fridie
Mothers' perspectives of and participation in Individual Family Service Plan development, Katherine A. de la Pena
“Woman's natural field”: The effects of mentoring on women central office administrators, Ava J. Munoz
A study of exemplary followership on selected South Texas elementary campuses, Patti Ruth Ross
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Stakeholder perceptions of hearing examiner legislation in Texas teacher dismissal cases, Sofia Annette Adams-Valdez
Field force dynamics, policy adoption, and educational change: Formulating a heuristic model, Timothy E. Jordan
Do principals make a difference? An analysis of leadership behaviors of elementary principals in effective schools, Rosemarie Gomez Maciel
The perceived competency of Hispanic teachers in teaching classes of diversity is a function of demographic and personality traits, Melissa C. Martinez
Spiritual dimension in educational leadership, Rosalina Ruiz
The effects of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 on the current educational system, Morahima Villanueva
From “separate but equal,” to tracking to “choice”: Perceptions of different stakeholders on the impact of magnet schools on high school students, Minerva Medrano Villarreal
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
School-wide Positive Behavior Support: A proactive approach, Marisa Garcia
Acquiring north of the border culture through the teaching /learning process in Spanish -speaking adults along the South Texas-Mexico border, Manuel J. Gutierrez
Analysis of English and Spanish academic proficiency of pre-service bilingual teachers at a university in South Texas, Matthew E. Meyers
Reading instruction practices by teachers of Hispanic elementary students: A teacher survey of classroom time spent in 25 reading instructional activities, Richard A. Steele
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Indicators of teacher collaboration in Texas public high schools, Michael James McClure
Four-year longitudinal study on the impact of migrant student identification on academic achievement, Graciela Villegas Perez
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Attitudes of migrant receiving and home district teachers and the academic successes of migrant children, Martha Alicia Cantu
An exploratory analysis of Mexican-American parental involvement perspectives on home, school, and community collaboration, Lisa Kay Hall-Irby
Retention of beginning teachers: A comparison of teachers prepared through an alternative certification program and a Center for Professional Development of Teachers field-based program, Glendelia Muniz Zavala
Teachers' perception of school climate as a function of personality traits, Mary Carmen Pacheco
Mexican American women: Unique superintendents in Texas, Maria Cristina Quilantan
Children of Mexican immigrants: Negotiating school in a two -way setting on the Texas -Mexico border, Diana Maria Ramirez
Academic achievement as a function of attributions of success and failure and socio-cultural variables in Mexican-American students, Mary Alice Reyes
Mexican American persistence at a Hispanic-serving institution: Lessons and anomalies in a 10-year university cohort, Alfredo Salinas
Relationships between teachers' perceptions of principals' leadership behavior and level of work motivation, Raquenel Sanchez-Perkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
An analysis of key leadership behaviors of the principal in a high -performing elementary school serving Mexican American children in South Texas, Alda T. Benavides
A study of parental involvement at a blue ribbon elementary school on the Texas-Mexico border, Jay Scott Hollinger
Ensuring educational opportunity for students with disabilities: A legal analysis of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Jacques Evan Trevino
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
A study of secondary school students' right to free expression as granted by the first amendment to the United States Constitution, Sharon Elain Wenzl Wright