Rio Grande Valley Oral Histories

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Gertrude Cannon Gorman was born in October 10, 1900 in Choate, Texas. She relates the history of the William Mose Cannon family from Kennedy County, Texas, the Noah Lee Cannon family of McAllen, Texas, and her family in Hidalgo County, Texas. Gertrude discusses a church photo including a Brother Bill. Gertrude discusses mementos of her father that were lost, and identifies several figures in other family photos. Gertrude recalls an early story related to her by Mr. Pullin [sp?] of a horse thief who was brought into town and hanged, as well as another story about a man discovered dead from knife wounds and buried before a coffin could be made. Gertrude describes photos of soldiers from New York coming to McAllen in 1916 to defend the city from bandits, and photos of the early McAllen police force and mayor, including the design of their uniforms by Noah Cannon. Gertrude’s father was married in Choate, many of her extended family are buried in the cemetery there. Gertrude recalls how her father came down to the area working on the railroad, and her mother was living in Beeville.
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Recommended Citation
Rio Grande Valley Oral Histories Collection; Gertrude Cannon Gorman - Part 02, 1986/01/11. ELIBR-0027. University Library, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/rgvoralhistories/527