
Presenting Author

Viney Kumar

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Discipline Track

Clinical Science

Abstract Type



Background: To analyze the oncological outcomes in anal canal squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

Materials and Methods: A single centre retrospective hospital based study with sample size of 51 patients of anal canal Squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy with mitomycin @10mg/m2 and 5FU based. Disease free survival (DFS), Colostomy free survival (CFS) and Overall survival (OS) rates were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method.

Results: Among 51 eligible patients, after a median follow up of 46 months (range 10-68 months). The 3year Disease free survival (DFS) was 73.9%. 3patients developed locoregional recurrence while 1patient developed distant metastasis. At 3 years Overall survival (OS) rate was 77%. Out of 44 patients 6 patients lost to follow up while 2 patients died due to progressive disease and 2 due to non cancer causes. 3year Colostomy free survival (CFS) rate was 59%. Total 18 out of 44 patients underwent colostomy. No grade 3 or 4 late toxicities occurred after completion of treatment.

Conclusion: This study concluded that definitive chemoradiotherapy achieves good local control, overall survival and colostomy free survival with acceptable toxicity and can be recommended as standard treatment in patients with carcinoma anal canal.



Definitive chemoradiation in non metastatic squamous cell carcinoma anal canal: a single institution experience

Background: To analyze the oncological outcomes in anal canal squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

Materials and Methods: A single centre retrospective hospital based study with sample size of 51 patients of anal canal Squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy with mitomycin @10mg/m2 and 5FU based. Disease free survival (DFS), Colostomy free survival (CFS) and Overall survival (OS) rates were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method.

Results: Among 51 eligible patients, after a median follow up of 46 months (range 10-68 months). The 3year Disease free survival (DFS) was 73.9%. 3patients developed locoregional recurrence while 1patient developed distant metastasis. At 3 years Overall survival (OS) rate was 77%. Out of 44 patients 6 patients lost to follow up while 2 patients died due to progressive disease and 2 due to non cancer causes. 3year Colostomy free survival (CFS) rate was 59%. Total 18 out of 44 patients underwent colostomy. No grade 3 or 4 late toxicities occurred after completion of treatment.

Conclusion: This study concluded that definitive chemoradiotherapy achieves good local control, overall survival and colostomy free survival with acceptable toxicity and can be recommended as standard treatment in patients with carcinoma anal canal.


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