Teaching and Learning Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Summer 2020
The translanguaging corriente, or current of language practices, as described by García et al. (2017), is always flowing through your mathematics classroom, whether you realize it or not. The corriente, how multilinguals use all their languages to learn and engage with content in school and make sense of a complex world, requires educators to reconsider what is understood about language and mathematics. By rethinking how we view language separation in the multilingual mathematics classroom, we propose that teachers teach with a translanguaging stance in order to access multilingual students’ full linguistic repertoires and to develop deep mathematical understanding.
Recommended Citation
Maldonado Rodríguez, Luz A. and Krause, Gladys, Flowing With the Translanguaging Corriente: Juntos Engaging With and Making Sense of Mathematics (2020). Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11(2), 17-25.
Publication Title
Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics